"The aquatic heart of South America showcases some of the most breathtaking gatherings of mammals, birds and reptiles that you could ever hope to see. The numbers in the world's largest wetland can challenge credulity with the smallest of lakes often so crowded with fur, feathers and scale that you will be pushed to spot an uninhabited square meter of water. The Pantanal, in short, is a wildlife-watchers paradise."
Well, that's about all I know about the Pantanal today. Straight from the guidebook. I'm heading to Brazil next week to volunteer for three months at a small, family run eco-lodge near Campo Grande. As an added bonus, Brazil could win the World Cup while I'm there.
Things I need to learn in a hurry:
1. Portuguese
2. The rules of soccor
3. The difference between an anteater and a tamandua
4. How to make piranha soup
Wish me luck!!!!