Monday, April 30, 2012

Bellowing Cattle and Ceremonial Paint

Something strange was going on with the cattle last night.  When cattle are left to run wild, they retain their natural instincts.  Not like those placid domesticated cattle.  These beasts are wild animals that are herded up only once a year to be sent to market.

They started bellowing around sundown.  Their calls were frantic, sustained and incredibly loud.  It went on for hours into the night.  Was a dingo stalking their calves?  Was it some mating ritual amongst the males?  I guess we’ll never know.

Simon (my seven year old student) came to my house in the afternoon to give me a bug.  His entire body was painted with a white, powdery substance.  I had to ask.  Was it some aboriginal ritual that was taking place, but because it was “men’s business”, I hadn’t been invited?  Was it an “end of wet season” ceremony?  Was it a spirit dance to chase away the same dingo that had been chasing the cattle?

Nope.  He had been bitten by an itchy grub which had made him break out in a rash.  His Mum had covered him in calamine lotion.

Maybe there is a simple explanation for the cattle bellowing all night as well.

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