Saturday, January 25, 2014

How to open a coconut

There is an old garden right in front of my veranda that still has sweet potatoes growing. Some of my cargo of carrots from the mainland didn't survive the journey, so I put them in the garden to make compost. A couple of the workmen came and started weeding my garden this morning. I'm not sure if it's their garden, or they saw my poor rotting carrots, thought “that's not how you grow carrots! This woman sure needs some help with her gardening!”

My new students came to help me decorate the schoolroom today. We have one room for “serious work” and a second room with two sofas that we have called “the library”.

Yesterday I collected a couple of coconuts from underneath a tree in the garden, but realized there was no way I could open them! I had to ask one of the workmen to get the thick, stringy husk off the nut. In the garden, there is a lean-to with a fire pit where some of the workmen sleep. I took the kids to translate into Pigin for me and one of them happily produced an enormous spike especially designed for the job. Now I just have to work out how to open the nut, how to grate the flesh, how to turn it into coconut milk and then simply add it to the curry I'm planning to make tonight. No problem! Or I could have bought coconut power from the shop in town. Maybe I'll learn my lesson next time.

The kids speak a strange mixture of English, German and Pigin. Since I understand two out of three, I can usually make out what they are saying. They know we only speak English in the schoolroom though. Part of the reason I'm here is to improve the children's English so they will be ready for boarding school and (hopefully) University in Australia.

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