In the last week we've had a pack of wild dingos in heat around the house. They howl for hours at night. You also hear the occasional bark, which means there are domestic dogs amongst them. Dingos can't bark. I woke up to them howling this morning. They seemed very close - I would say within 200 yards of the house, but these things can be deceptive. It's very atmospheric. I saw some dingo/mastiff crossed dogs at the aboriginal camp down the river. Mean looking things. Who would want to breed extra wild and uncontrollable traits into a mastiff?
When the dingos are around, we let Ida Dog sleep inside. She is still so tiny. The family had a dog a couple of years ago . . . . a fluffy little poodle thing . . . . that ran off with the dingo pack. They think she would be the alfa female by now, but I think they just said that so the kids wouldn't know she had been horribly torn apart by a pack of wild dogs.
I also collected my first harvest of bush tucker. Behind my kitchen window is a patch of rosella shrubs. It's like wild hibiscus. You take off the petals and dry them and make them into tea. I've got my drying near the window. If it works, I still have a huge harvest. I've tried some that the family made last year. It is very yummy.
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